Disgraced former Tory MP Imran Ahmad Khan accused of offering 16-year-old oral sex and cocaine

Imran Ahmad Khan, who was found guilty of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy (UK Parliament)
Disgraced former Tory MP Imran Ahmad Khan has been accused of propositioning a 16-year-old boy.
Imran Ahmad Khan was convicted of sexually assaulting a 15-year-old boy on Monday (11 April).
The victim, who remains anonymous, said that Khan forced alcohol on him at a house party, before taking him upstairs and assaulting him.
In the wake of Khan’s conviction, another man has come forward claiming he was propositioned by the politician when he was 16, and Khan was in his 40s.
The man told The Guardian that he was attending a birthday party in 2015 with his mother and her partner when he met Khan.
He alleges Khan offered him oral sex and suggested they go to a hotel, “buy lots of cocaine and a prostitute and ‘f**k all weekend”.
Imran Ahmad Khan ‘confronted by boy’s parents’
After the conversation, the man says that he told his mother, who gave Khan a ‘telling off’.
Khan later confronted him, he said.
“He asked why [I felt] weird, and I said: ‘Well, I’m only 16,'” he told The Guardian. “He replied: ‘That’s OK, you’re legal.'”
He said that he was moved to come forward with his story after Khan announced he would appeal his conviction, which related to a 2008 incident.
According to The Guardian, the man was disturbed by Khan’s defence in court that he asked his 15-year-old victim about the kind of pornography he watched to determine where his “true sexual proclivities lay”.
The man claims that Khan propositioned him in a similar manner, asking him about his sexuality before offering to give him “the best blowjob of your life”.
“When I read his defence, him saying he was just trying to help the boy come to terms with his sexuality, acting like his intention was to offer support and solace to him, I just thought: that’s the same pattern of behaviour he instigated with me,” he told The Guardian.
“It could quite easily have been me. It would have been very easily me if I wasn’t surrounded by adults.”
According to The Guardian, Imran Ahmad Khan’s lawyers said they had advised him to refrain from comment on the new allegations, “bearing in mind the ongoing criminal proceedings against our client”.
On Thursday (14 April) – reportedly half an hour after his lawyer’s comments – Khan announced he would resign as MP for Wakefield to “focus entirely on clearing my name”. He had already been expelled from the Conservative Party.
Khan continues to deny his guilt and is appealing the verdict.
PinkNews contacted Imran Ahmad Khan’s lawyers for comment.