Trolls tried to disrupt library’s Drag Queen Story Hour event – then something incredible happened

Members of the counter-protest at Colchester Library hold up signs in support of LGBTQ+ kids. (Getty)
Hundreds of LGBTQ+ activists stood in an amazing counter-protest following attempts by anti-drag pundits to disrupt a library’s Drag Queen Story Hour event.
LGBTQ+ protestors stood outside the Colchester Library on Saturday (4 September) to blockade a demonstration against a planned Drag Queen Story Hour event taking place.
The family-friendly event was scheduled by Essex drag artist An Nemia, who read books to children and parents as part of LGBTQ+ history month.
The occasion came as part of Essex County Council’s Kaleidoscope LGBTQ+ awareness event, which aims to celebrate queer identities with a festival, talks from local LGBTQ+ figureheads, and workshops.

But several anti-LGBTQ+ groups have taken issue with the plans, attempting to disrupt the family-friendly show as part of a tirade against drag artists.
LGBTQ+ activists weren’t having it, however, with more than 250 people staging a rally directly outside the library holding signs expressing solidarity with the community.
Among the group was Samuel Biscoe, the founder of East Anglia’s first LGBTQ+ rugby team Colchester Kings.
He told the Gazette: “Our community was being targeted, again, because of fear and what individuals aren’t willing to understand.
“It’s important to me we stand up for our friends, family, and community in times where we begin to face scrutiny so we can educate and drive change.”
Colchester Pride was made aware of protests by anti-LGBTQ+ groups prior to the event’s arranged date
In a statement published on Facebook a day prior, the local advocacy group issued a statement condemning the protests, while reaffirming their solidarity with planned community events.
It also supported the peaceful counter-protests suggested by members of the local community.
“We encourage anyone, who feels safe and able, to join this display of queer solidarity,” the group said. “We must remember that the story time in question is aimed at children and young families and keep our counter-protest light, proud, and joyful.”
Representatives also encouraged counter-protestors to visit the exhibition once the anti-LGBTQ+ groups were successfully repelled.
“Take care of yourselves and take care of each other, we are strongest together,” it added.
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