Gym owner refuses to train woman just because she’s trans: ‘I feel rejected’

A Belfast woman was turned away from a gym because she is trans. (Credit: Facebook/ Leigh Toal-)
A woman was refused training sessions at a gym in Belfast because the owner took “issue” with her being trans.
Leigh Lyle-Toal, 41, shared screenshots of an enquiry she sent to Industrial Safe Fitness NI, in Ravenhill Road, Belfast, about personal training sessions to help with her lose weight.
In the messages, she disclosed to the owner that she was transgender because she wanted to be “upfront”.
Her message to the gym read: “Btw, I am transgender, I just like to be upfront. Some people have issues with it, some people don’t.”
The gym responded, saying: “Just going to be upfront, I have issues with that so good luck.”
Lyle-Toal claimed this was immediately followed by another message that read: “Make sure and post it for attention”.
She told PinkNews the experience has left her feeling “rejected”.

She said she shared the exchange online to warn other trans people about the business, and claims the manager proceeded to taunt her by reacting to her post with laughing-face emojis.
Following the post, Lyle-Toal says she was subject to further abuse online.
The owner, Mark Young, contacted her, asking: “What are you hoping to achieve here? Still would have an issue and still wouldn’t want you in my private gym.
“Not responding to any of your letters. I have been the one getting harassed, all for wishing you good luck.”
Lyle-Toal told PinkNews that he called and threatened her over the phone which has left her “shook”.
When PinkNews contacted the gym for response to the allegations, we were told simply: “Publish what you like.”

Lyle-Toal told PinkNews that the situation has taken a toll on her mental health, but added her community in Belfast has been a rock for her during this time.
She also revealed that following the messages, the owner continued to misgender her on purpose in exchanges he had with people trying to defend her.
In a conversation with one of Lyle-Toal’s advocates, the owner continuously called Lyle-Toal a man. He mocked her sexuality and said: “Tomorrow am dressing as a French poodle my pronouns are ‘good boy’.”

The gym’s refusal to allow Lyle-Toal to train there breaks the law because it’s discrimination on the basis of gender.
Citizens Advice said: “The Equality Act says businesses cannot discriminate against people because of things like their age and race. These are called protected characteristics. As a trans person, you have the protected characteristic of ‘gender reassignment’.”
The gym told PinkNews it stood by its actions and comments online.
“Our position of having strong morals and values and protecting our gym members is and will remain paramount. We will not be trolled, bullied or strong-armed into going against common sense and the moral high-ground simply because of popular opinion,” it said.
“Furthermore, the Daily Star [whom Lyle-Toal also contacted] got it wrong as we never denied access nor membership to anyone for being transgendered. I was asked for my personal opinion, which was if I would feel uncomfortable, and upon giving the answer ‘yes’, these lemmings have harassed and defamed us, make threats and attempts (yet fail) to cancel my business.
“I’ve no desire to try and start navigating the minefield of gender when bodies like the Olympic committee etc struggle to. We are a small, personal, private gym and will not be wasting time or resources on this charade.”
Lyle-Toal told PinkNews that before she told the gym she was trans, it was happy to make arrangements for her to attend training sessions.
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