Queer animal documentary featuring bisexual lions accused of pushing a ‘satanic gay agenda’

Two male lions snuggling

A new documentary series exploring homosexuality in animals has sparked a backlash among conservatives, who think the show is pushing an LGBTQ+ agenda.

A trailer for NBC show Queer Planet offers a preview of the world’s “rich diversity of animal sexuality”. It features gay penguins, bisexual lions and sex-changing clownfish.

There is scientific basis for homosexuality within animals, with more than 1,500 species thought to exhibit homosexual behaviour.

The synopsis for documentary says it looks at “extraordinary creatures, witnesses amazing behaviours, and introduces the scientists who are questioning the traditional concept of what’s natural when it comes to sex and gender”.

According to IndieWire, the show has been promoted as a “first-of-its-kind nature documentary”.

Queer Planet will be air on June 6 as part of NBC and Peacock’s Pride Month celebrations and is narrated by gay actor Andrew Rannells, possibly best-known for originating the role of Elder Kevin Price in the Broadway production of The Book of Mormon.

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In a press statement, Rannells, who appeared on-screen alongside Jim Parsons and Zachary Quinto in The Boys in the Band, said: “We’ve all heard of gay penguins, but this film really opened my eyes to the full spectrum of LGBTQ+ behaviours across the natural world. And what could be more natural than being who you are?

“I’m excited to be part of Queer Planet, especially during Pride Month, and on Peacock, surely the most colourful and glamorous of all the streaming services.”

Andrew Rannells: The Prom star has a simple test for his gay characters
Queer Planet narrator Andrew Rannells. (Getty)

But, despite it being a documentary, many people are angry about the show, leading to a homophobic backlash.

On X, several users reacted negatively to the news of Queer Planet after it was shared by a profile called End Wokeness, with one person writing: “This is so f***ed up and evil for our youth.”

They added that it was “science revisionism for a satanic gay agenda.”

Another person said they were “so sick of this LGBTQ+ s*** being rammed down our throats”.

A commentator on Sky News Australia reported on the series by saying that the “wonderful world of woke brings us some great lefty lunacy”.

Comments under the trailer on YouTube claimed the series was “insanity” and that “they” are “coming for your kids”.

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