Kemi Badenoch is publicly beefing with LGBTQ+ ally David Tennant – and it’s not going well for her

Doctor Who star David Tennant continues to prove he is the ultimate ally, most recently by saying he wishes noted anti-LGBTQ+ Tory figurehead Kemi Badenoch would “shut up” at the British LGBT Awards.

In response she did the opposite and spouted a series of right-wing clichés, describing him as “rich, lefty, white male celebrity.”

Tennant hit out at the current minister for women and equalities at the British LGBT Awards on Friday (21 June), where he received a well-deserved award for being a “celebrity ally”. 

In his acceptance speech he said: “Until we wake up and Kemi Badenoch doesn’t exist anymore – I don’t wish ill of her, I just wish her to shut up – whilst we do live in this world, I am honoured to receive (this award).”

Tennant has proved himself to be a legendary LGBTQ+ ally who frequently speaks in support of the community. He recently wore another t-shirt backing trans rights, following wearing a rainbow pin badge in the colours of the non-binary flag in support of one of his children who is reportedly non-binary last year. 

Last month he also urged those with anti-trans views to rightly “f**k off and let people be”. 

In contrast, Kemi Badenoch may be minister for women and equalities, but she’s done nothing to advance the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual or trans people – in fact, many of her actions have made life worse for vulnerable minorities.

An edited image shows Kemi Badenoch walking outdoors against an edited background showing pink and blue colours.
Kemi Badenoch has been repeatedly criticised for her position on LGBTQ+ rights. (Getty)

Whether it’s blocking conversion therapy legislation or spouting damaging misinformation about trans identities, she has positioned herself as one of the UK government’s most vocal opponents to LGBTQ+ rights.

In response to David Tennant’s comments at the British LGBT Awards, Badenoch took to X, reposting Tennant’s speech with a caption that began, “I will not shut up”. 

She added: “I will not be silenced by men who prioritise applause from Stonewall over the safety of women and girls,” before she accused Tennant of being a “rich, lefty, white male celebrity so blinded by ideology he can’t see the optics of attacking the only black woman in government by calling publicly for my existence to end”. 

But she didn’t stop there, she continued, hitting out at Labour, which Tennant supports, saying that “this is an early example of what life will be like if they win”. 

The majority of responses to her post echoed what Tennant had wished for, with one person referring to the upcoming General Election, which Labour are currently predicted to win, writing: “You’re going to be out of a job in 9 days time.”

Another response called her “vile”, while someone else said she’s the danger, not Labour. 

Others pointed out she was hypocritical for bringing up race given the fact that she previously dismissed a row over Frank Hester’s comments about Black politician Diane Abbott, the former shadow home secretary, as “trivia”. 

Comments made by Hester, a significant Conservative Party donor, about Labour MP Diane Abbott in March 2024 sparked a political scandal, after the clinical software company owner said that looking at Diane Abbott made him “want to hate all black women” and that she “should be shot”. 

The Labour candidate for Brent East, Dawn Butler – who is Black – also weighed in, writing:

“Not all Black women think the same. I agree with David Tennant. That’s it, that’s the tweet.”

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