Ella Morgan reveals unseen Celebs Go Dating moment that prompted Paul Brunson tribute

Ella Morgan reveals unaired moment in Paul Brunson Celebs Go Dating tribute (Supplied/ Channel 4)
Celebs Go Dating star Ella Morgan has spoken about an unscreened moment, regarding a tearful tribute from mentor and professional match-maker Paul C Brunson.
Ella Morgan rose to fame last year, as the first trans person to appear on Married at First Sight – and has continued to blaze reality TV trails since, by also being the first to appear on Celebs Go Dating, on which she appears alongside Gogglebox star Stephen Webb.
During a recent episode of Celebs Go Dating, Ella received a tribute from mentor Paul C Brunson, whom she first met on Married at First Sight.
But there was a moment before the touching speech from Paul that ‘never got shown,’ according to Ella.
“I said to [Paul], ‘I feel like you don’t like me, or you get me,'” Ella reveals. “I never got that feeling on Married At First Sight, because, and I said this, I’m so bolshy and loud and frantic, and I do think a lot of people find me a lot to be around.”
She adds: “The reason he [paid me that tribute] was because I told him I didn’t think he liked me.”
Brunson had manoeuvred the conversation so that Ella was forced to disclose that an intimate moment had happened between her and Reece (a date from the series). This, she reveals, was what prompted her statement.
“I said: ‘You outed me, made me admit that stuff had happened with Reece, in front of a whole room of people I didn’t really want knowing’, and that was what led [Paul] to say what he did.”
Ella is quick to add that there are no hard feelings; she says Brunson “really made [her] feel in that moment that any doubts [she] had about him liking [her]… were completely gone”.
Reece had previously sparked another tearful moment on Celebs Go Dating, after openly accepting Ella’s identity as a trans woman.
Ella Morgan is currently on Celebs Go Dating Monday to Thursday each week at 9pm on E4.
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