Heartstopper writer Alice Oseman hopes to explore Tori’s asexuality if season four happens

Alice Oseman has expressed hopes to explore Tori Spring’s asexuality in Heartstopper season four. (Netflix/Canva)
Heartstopper author Alice Oseman has explained why character Tori Spring didn’t come out as asexual in season three of the hit show, as she does in the source material.
Fans of Oseman’s original graphic novels have been watching the latest episodes to see how closely they follow the storyline in the books. And they noticed that one of volume five’s important scenes, where Charlie and his sister Tori, played by Jenny Walser, have a heart-to-heart on a ferris wheel, was altered.
In the book, Tori opens up about her relationship with newcomer Michael, saying that neither she nor he “are straight” because she identifies as asexual. While the chat does appear in the Netflix adaptation, Tori doesn’t mention her sexuality.
Now, Oseman has exclusively revealed to PinkNews why the moment was cut, and addressed whether fans will be seeing the character come out if there is a fourth season.
“So, originally, I did write that [scene] there,” the author said at the unveiling of the Heartstopper Pride flag at Queer Britain museum in London’s King’s Cross on Saturday (October 5). “Then, when we read through the scripts, I felt there wasn’t any build up to it. We haven’t spent enough time with Tori and Michael as a pair.
“We hadn’t seen any suggestion that this was something Tori has been dealing with, and there’s a lot in season three.

“There was really no room to put that in without sacrificing something else. I felt I would much rather not do it here, save it for – fingers crossed – a new season, where I could explore that storyline in much more depth and complexity and really do it justice.
“It would feel like it would have just been shoved in there and come out of nowhere, and I didn’t want that. Hopefully, people will understand.”
Walser agreed with the decision and recalled a reference to Tori’s asexuality originally being in her script.
“I think there was, in the scene where we’re on the ferris wheel, in the comics that’s where she talks to Charlie about how she’s feeling. I think there was a line which was alluding to [Tori] not knowing whether she’s asexual or aromantic.”

“I think the decision was made to take that out for the time being because if we are lucky enough to go again [for season four] then we [can] make more of it,” she added.
While Tori’s sexuality wasn’t explicitly addressed in season three, Walser and Tobie Donovan, who plays asexual (and aromantic) bookworm Isaac Henderson, revealed that there was a very subtle moment between the two characters in which they hinted at what could be to come.
Isaac is seen giving a longing stare towards Tori as he asked Charlie whether she and Michael were dating. “That was intentional, scripted,” Walser said. “You could miss it, but it’s there.”
Donovan said it was a “nice, like-sees-like moment” and he’s “glad people are picking up” on it.
The Heartstopper Pride flag, created by The Great British Sewing Bee‘s Raph Dilhan, features messages from the show’s fans about how the series has affected their lives. It is on display at Queer Britain until 19 October.
Heartstopper season three is streaming on Netflix now.
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