Every season of RuPaul’s Drag Race All Stars ranked from worst to best

RuPaul's Drag Race All Stars queens Shea Coulée (left) on All Stars 7, Trixie Mattel (centre left) on All Stars 3, Kylie Sonique Love (centre) on All Stars 6, Alaska (centre right) on All Stars 2 and Monét X Change on All Stars 4 (right).

RuPaul’s Drag Race: Global All Stars recently crowned its queen, making the Drag Race Hall of Fame full to bursting – and for those counting, that’s the 14th All Stars season.

In 2012, the game was revolutionised when Ru announced that, for the first time, he would be bringing back some of his most iconic girls for a second chance at the crown in All Stars 1. The cast included fan faves, runners-up and villains, and set a precedent for numerous spin-offs to come.

Fast forward to 2024, and we’ve had nine regular All Stars seasons, a (legendary) All-Winners edition, and four international vs. The World spin-offs – not to mention the recently concluded Global All Stars.

So, as Global All Stars crowns another winner, we’ve decided to rank every All Stars season that has completed airing so far… in reverse order, from least to most sickening.

14. All Stars 8 (2023)

We will not mince our words: we were bored. A top two of Jimbo and Kandy Muse that felt a foregone conclusion from the cast Ru-veal, a predictable elimination order, Heidi (the only reason many people were watching at all) quitting… need we say more?

The main twist – a retroactive vote called the Fame Games – didn’t really work because it had no stakes and was voted for by fans, who are of course famously impartial when it comes to Drag Race!

The challenges were all fairly lacklustre, and it was a really, really weird cast. We aren’t disrespecting any of these queens, but only half of the cast were actual all stars. It felt like a chore to watch. It really did.

It was quite funny watching Jessica Wild’s increased dislike of Alexis Michelle, though.

13. All Stars 1 (2012)

To be succinct: wasted potential.

Despite a stellar cast of fan favourites and high performers from their original seasons, the first iteration of All Stars was dead on arrival with the twist that saw some of the franchise’s most renowned queens compete in teams. Why?

Still, we had some good moments. The Everyone vs. Mimi Imfurst Untucked fight still lives rent free in the mind of almost every Drag Race fan, the combination of Latrice Royale and Manila Luzon was born and Chad Michaels got her rightful crown.

Imagine the carnage if that cast had had to eliminate each another instead. Somewhere in an alternate Ru-niverse…

12. Canada’s Drag Race: Canada vs. The World season one (2022)

It’s a testament to the rest of the All Stars seasons that Canada’s Drag Race: Canada vs. The World is this low in our ranking.

Again, there were some strange casting choices. For example, Stephanie Prince, who was eliminated in 10th place on her original season, and, for some reason, Canada’s Drag Race season two winner Icesis Couture. We’re not complaining about the queen, just asking why she reappeared on this season and not a future All Winners.

Add to that the fact that when Icesis (who could justifiably have been in the top for every challenge) quit, it wasn’t good TV, it was just sad, and the competition sort of fizzled out. We did, however get the continuation of the Silky Nutmeg Ganache and Ra’Jah O’Hara redemption arcs, and Victoria Scone had a proper chance to compete, which was nice to see.

And then there was, Vanity Milan’s “Bonjour, Hi”.

11. Global All Stars (2024)

It pains us to put Global All Stars this low on our list (arguably could have been lower) when the concept was so strong, but by god this was not a good season of Drag Race for many reasons.

Twelve queens, each from a different international franchise, all competing to become the first ever Global All Star – which is fine, apart from we would have bet our entire livelihoods on the final four consisting of three girls who had already been judged by Ru, and someone else. And we would have been right.

Fan support was undeniably behind Nehellenia all season, with Kween and Kitty’s shade towards her coming off as less fun and more mean, and she didn’t even win! At points it was uncomfortable to watch.

Its saving grace? The international queens being introduced to the world. We could name all of them, but Gala Varo, Tessa Testicle, Vanity Vain and the undisputed fan favourite of the season, Nehellenia all being platformed in such a way was chef’s kiss. Shoutout Pythia’s runway looks, too.

10. All Stars 5 (2020)

This felt like a pretty lacklustre season that was formulated for Shea Couleé to get her (again, rightful) crown.

Several strange production choices, including the early elimination of the biggest drama starter, HRH Derrick Barry, stunted the season’s momentum, while the subsequent drama – India Ferrah vs. Alexis Mateo – didn’t really feel fun or enjoyable to watch.

The Lip Sync Assassin twist also felt as if it hadn’t been fully formed, or at least fully thought through yet, but we appreciate that it added something new to the All Stars format.

Some of us still toss and turn at night remembering that Blair St. Clair made it farther than Alexis. But Jujubee ate, and the final runway will go down in history as one of the best.

9. Drag Race UK vs the World season one (2022)

In our honest, and homosexual, opinion, this season gets a bad rap. Objectively, it was pure chaos – and what more could you want?

People get upset because of the shock eliminations – first Jimbo, then Pangina – but that’s how the game works. Cry harder! And Pangina did. Great runways (for the most part), great Snatch Game, more Mo Heart and more Jujubee.

Jimbo’s rise to winner of All Stars 8 began here, to be honest, and, despite her premature elimination, Pangina absolutely demolished. It was, however, weird to see Jujubee being a bit rubbish after such a stellar All Stars 5 run.

Also, justice for Lemon.

8. All Stars 9 (2024)

Let’s start with the positives: the All Stars 9 runways from Plastique and Gottmik absolutely tore, every single week. Not one miss.

It was always a pleasure every time Vanjie appeared on our screens, to see Shannel get reintroduced to fans, and to see Roxxxy Andrews be pure drag excellence. Angeria’s All Stars 9 win was well deserved, Jorgeous was stunning and Nina West was once again the nicest drag queen ever.

The reason All Stars 9 is so low on our list, is because there was absolutely no reason for this to be a non-elimination season. No reason. The ruby snippers had no bearing on the competition, and neither did the double diamond twist. No stakes and no good twists. No bueño.

7. Canada’s Drag Race: Canada vs. The World season two (2024)

You’ll notice that at the end of our entry for UK Vs TW 1, we wrote, “Justice for Lemon.” Well, Canada Vs. the World‘s second season squeezed exactly that, and it was delicious.

A stacked cast of veteran Drag Race contestants featuring Alexis Mateo, Kennedy Davenport and Eureka O’Hara meant guaranteed good television, and first time returnees like Miss Fiercalicious and Tynomi Banks were practically chomping at the bit for another shot.

The season’s only drawback, in our opinion, was its predictability in elimination order. Its first three eliminations were queens that had never returned to Drag Race before, meaning it felt a little unfair to see La Kahena of Drag Race France sashay away, followed by Drag Race UK‘s Le Fil, and then Tynomi, over Eureka and Alexis (both on their fourth time round).

Still, C V TW 2‘s originality in terms of production puts it head and shoulders above its predecessor (and many other seasons of All Stars). The Golden Beaver twist is, in our opinion, the superior All Stars elimination mechanic, and challenges like ‘the Roast Battle’ and Snatch Game Rusical injected much needed fresh air into the franchise. And Lemon deserved that crown!

6. All Stars 3 (2018)

Coming off the heels of All Stars 2 was a sure-fire way to set up All Stars 3 for a rough ride.

In its defence, lots of things worked. It’s still the very definition of an all-star cast, with queens such as Shangela, Trixie Mattel, Milk and Thorgy Thor, plus the winner of the first ever Drag Race, Bebe Zahara Benet, providing a solid grounding for what could have been historic television.

It was just the twists that didn’t work. When BenDeLaCreme eliminated herself, it was phenomenal TV, but it essentially turned remaining episodes into a fight to see who was second best, after Ben had won almost every previous challenge.

The jury twist was evil. If the queens had known they’d be deciding the top two of the season from the get-go, things might have gone differently.

As it was, Shangela (the next most successful contestant after Ben) was cruelly robbed of a top-two spot because she’d played the game and sent strong queens home. Overall, a good season, but one that leaves an unfortunate taste in our mouths.

5. Drag Race UK Vs. The World season two (2024)

A bigger cast than season one, with the added delight of queens from Drag Race France, Philippines and Down Under (plus four UK girlies,) Vs. The World‘s second season was a distinct improvement on its predecessor.

The biggest highlights of the season came in the form of a wider audience being introduced to Marina Summers and La Grande Dame, Mayhem Miller winning the IJBOL war and laughing at herself during her own talent show, Arantxa Castilla La Mancha’s charm and some severely elevated runways.

It was all just really fun – and Tia Kofi’s win as the first UK winner of colour out of six (six!!!) couldn’t have been more deserved.

4. All Stars 4 (2018)

We know, we know, the double winner twist was weird. We won’t dwell on it. We’re still running with the conspiracy theory that it was designed specifically to crown both Manila and Latrice, which obviously didn’t work because, as Naomi Smalls once said, said: “Life’s not fair.”

Again, great cast. Even the first episode was absolutely brilliant. Gia Gunn for the drama. Manila and Latrice returning post All Stars 1. The glow up of Monét X Change and Monique Heart. Valentina’s delusion. Jasmine Masters’ comedy routine. Stunning!

Manila’s elimination was, indeed, a gag, but it was legendary and didn’t, in our opinion, ruin the season. The Super Queen remix was weird, however.

3. All Stars 6 (2021)

This was an underdog of a season. No one, upon first seeing the cast, thought it would land anywhere near the top of so many fans’ rankings.

Some excellent challenges, some rousing glow-ups (Ra’Jah O’Hara), some excellent runways and some fantastic lip syncs (Laganja Estranja has entered the chat – from the ceiling). It was all just great, and felt like a well-deserved celebration of some under-rated queens, and proof that their value doesn’t lie in their original Drag Race placement. Also, Sonique’s crown showcases one of the greatest character arcs of all time.

Jan’s psychological torture continued from season 12 was unfortunate to watch, as was Trinity K. Bonet’s last-minute elimination. That was tough.

2. All Stars 7 (2022)

This is placed so high because All Stars 7 was, at its core, a celebration of some of the most talented winners of the franchise of all time. It was feel-good. It was drag excellence!

There are obviously the highlights: the platinum plunger that was certainly gold, Monét and Jinkx’s spoken-word lip sync, Jinkx’s Snatch Game, every one of Shea Couleé and Raja’s runways, Jaida Essence Hall getting her flowers, Yvie Oddly’s kookiness, Trinity just being great at drag and The Vivienne doing it for the UK.

The only minor gripe we have with the season was the very few judging foibles. Some of the top-two choices were a little weird (how did Raja not win either ball?) and surely every Drag Race fan would like to see the Monét cut of the season’s final lip sync.

Still, a phenomenal display of talent.

1. All Stars 2 (2016)

Is anyone surprised? Raise your hand if you’re surprised. And if your hand is raised, as Phi Phi O’Hara said: “Jump in a car.”

We’re going to name some of the season’s most notable moments, then list some more. Alyssa vs. Tatianna’s “Shut Up and Drive” lip sync. Phi Phi’s face-crack mirror moment. Katya during “Read U Wrote U”. Adore quitting. Coco’s talent show. Alaska’s meltdown. Tatianna’s talent show.

The list is almost endless. All Stars 2 is one of the best seasons of reality TV ever made. It’s that simple.

RuPaul’s Drag Race: All Stars 9 is available to stream on Paramount+ in the US and WOW Presents Plus internationally.

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