Bigots outraged over children’s book about pregnant trans man

The cover of In My Daddy’s Belly. (Getty)
Right-wingers are furious about a children’s book which highlights that trans men can get pregnant.
In My Daddy’s Belly, by transgender man and father Logan Brown, is a children’s book inspired by how the author dealt with pregnancy as a trans person. Published in November 2023, it follows his “excitement and joy of welcoming a new baby into a loving family”, complete with tips and resources for other parents.
“Alongside the story, there are optional interactive questions to help children explore their feelings in a safe space, FAQs, tips for adults and resources to family-centric transgender charities,” a description of the book reads.
“This book is excellent for introducing children to transgender parents, opening discussion around different families [and] enabling children to grow into kind and understanding adults.”
However, bigots, having recently discovered the book’s existence, have called on parents and others to “protect our little children”, and not buy copies.
“They are after our children,” one user raged in a TikTok post. “Two men, one pregnant. In My Daddy’s Belly… this is a wicked world that we are living in. We can’t stop this from happening but it is our job, and it’s our responsibility, to stand up and protect our children.”
Trans men can, and many have, given birth, including Brown, who was on the cover of Glamour UK magazine in June 2023.
He told the magazine: “I’m a pregnant trans man and I do exist. No matter what anyone says, I’m living proof.
“I’ve not been surprised by any of the negative comments because, obviously, this is not a usual every-day thing. There are always going to be people in the comments, and keyboard warriors on Instagram. These people say things online they would probably never say to my face.
“I have done TikTok videos discussing the pregnancy and being open about it, and there have been some hate comments there but I was easily able to brush those off.”
A documentary, SeaHorse: The Dad Who Gave Birth, which aired in 2020, delved into the subject of pregnant transgender men, following the story of Freddy McConnell on his path to parenthood.
The programme was praised by critics and viewers, and was described as an “important” documentary that “shatters stereotypes.”
Flick Filosopher critic MaryAnn Johanson wrote in her review that the documentary “underscores the fact that, however atypical our lives may be, we have more in common than not”.
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