Patients ‘confused’ by lobby group’s involvement in GPs’ refusal to prescribe HRT

A person holding a sign that says ‘gender-affirming care saves lives.’ (Getty)
Patients in Nottingham have expressed concern and confusion over a letter defending the decision by some GPs to stop prescribing hormone replacement therapy (HRT).
Some GPs stopped issuing HRT to trans people after the Jubilee Park Medical partnership, which runs practices in the East Midlands, announced in December that it would no longer prescribe the medication, even to those already taking it.
It is understood cisgender patients will still be able to access HRT for menopausal-related issues.
The decision was branded “deeply misguided” by activist group Nottingham Against Transphobia, which highlighted in a post on Thursday (16 January) that patients affected by the change had received a letter from the Nottingham Local Medical Committee (LMC), justifying the move.

A spokesperson for the group, which does not appear to be officially affiliated to the NHS, or a public organisation, said GPs could “not keep pace” with the growing demand for gender-affirming care, and argued that it was “not part of their GP contract”.
The LMC describes itself as a democratic body which represents the “diverse interests which make up general practice locally.” It claims to “represent the views of GPs to a variety of bodies,” including undertaking negotiations on behalf of general practitioners.
It has previously worked with Nottinghamshire GPs to rectify an “admin blunder” after several surgeries were overpaid thousands of pounds.
One patient who received the letter told PinkNews they were confused that it had come from the LMC rather than their doctor.
“I hadn’t been told there was another organisation involved,” they said. “The contents were confusing, it was like it had been written by someone who didn’t have any experience or knowledge of trans healthcare. It was full of blanket statements, generalised information I knew to be incorrect, and a recommendation that I lobby my MP for change.”
The letter claimed that prescribing hormones to trans patients was “beyond the clinical expertise and knowledge of the GPs” in the region, despite similar medication being prescribed to cisgender patients.
“If you’re not competent to prescribe a medication, you’re certainly not competent to withdraw it,” the patient, who wanted to remain anonymous, added.
They went to say they were “incredibly concerned” that their personal information might have been shared with a third party “without my consent”, and that forcing patients to come off long-term prescribed medication was “indefensible”.
LMC and Jubilee Park Medical Partnership did not respond to a PinkNews request for comment regarding these specific concerns, but Jubilee Park Medical partnership separately told PinkNews that the decision to stop prescribing hormones was based on the view that they are “more appropriately provided by a specialist”.
Patients forced to consider DIY alternative
The sudden denial of medication has forced some patients to consider accessing medication through “DIY” alternatives.
DIY is the act of buying hormones online with little or no medical overview. It is considered a “last resort” by most in the community and can come with risks.
PinkNews heard from patients under the partnership’s care who said the “unconscionable” decision had forced their hand.

Samathy, a 29-year-old trans woman, who is considering buying DIY hormones, said: “I’d much rather enjoy being treated by an NHS doctor. As history shows us, removing people’s access to healthcare does not remove the need for it. People will get what they need outside safe channels.”
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