Comment: Keep Huckabee out of the White House

It has been 15 years since Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee suggested to the Associated Press that steps should be taken to “isolate the carriers of this plague” with regards to the AIDS epidemic.
But time and awareness haven’t changed the presidential hopeful’s tune.
Just months ago, he told Fox News: “I had simply made the point, and I still believe this today, that in the late 80s and early 90s, when we didn’t know as much as we do now about AIDS, we were acting more out of political correctness than we were about the normal public health protocols that we would have acted.”
That was Reagan’s excuse for all those years of ignoring the epidemic, lack of information.
It didn’t fly when he used it in 1988, it didn’t fly in 1992 and it doesn’t fly today.
This is a candidate who likened homosexuality to bestiality; who supported a federal amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman.
Huckabee passed a similar amendment at the state level in Arkansas in 1992, a ‘covenant’ marriage state, thanks to his time as Senator, effectively meaning abuse, adultery or jail time are the only three generally accepted reasons for divorce.
Hearing that, it should come as no surprise that Huckabee vowed to his supporters he would defeat anything which threatened to weaken the Defence of Marriage Act.
And we haven’t even mentioned Iraq.
“We have never in our history declared war until ‘a week from Wednesday,’ we have always declared war until victory,” reads a statement on Huckabee’s official website.
In Huckabee’s mind, winning tops withdrawal, despite all recommendations to the contrary.
Huckabee vows to see this war to the bitter end. Though he’s taken no official stand on reinstating a military draft, he vows to increase the defence budget, above and beyond where the Bush administration has taken it.
And still he talks of beefing up the armed forces.
But what’s scariest about Mike Huckabee becoming the 44th President, what makes him a far worse candidate for the position than any of his opponents, is that whereas Bush is a talking puppet for the extreme right, Huckabee believes whole heartedly in everything that comes out of his mouth.
He doesn’t need an army of political advisers to sell his plan to the American people. He’s concocted it himself.
And with a campaign based almost exclusively on drilling fear into the minds of Americans, be afraid, be very afraid.
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