Teen who murdered gay classmate had white supremacist literature

A fourteen year old boy who is standing trial for the murder of a fellow school student, had “literature and drawings depicting a “racist skinhead philosophy” in his bedroom, according to prosecutors.
As a result of an earlier ruling by Ventura County Superior Court Judge Douglas Daily, Brandon McInerney is being tried as an adult and could face life in prison. He also faces hate crime charges.
The LA Times reports that the accused had doodlings of swastikas and white supremacist materials.
McInerney’s lawyer called the revelation a “stunt” and said his client was writing a school report on Hitler and he and family members had a shared interest in German military.
Lawrence King, 15, who self-identified as gay and wore feminine clothing, was shot in the head on February 12th during a lesson, allegedly by McInerney, his classmate at E.O. Green Junior High School in Oxnard, California.
Mr King’s family have partially blamed his death on the school district for not enforcing the school dress code.
His parents, Dawn and Gregory King, say that the school allowing him to wear makeup and feminine clothing was a factor leading to his death.
The family filed a claim against the school at the beginning of the August at Ventura County Superior Court.