Israel AIDS Task Force strips off to encourage HIV testing

PinkNews logo on pink background with rainbow corners.

Israel AIDS Task Force strips off to encourage HIV testingThe Israeli AIDS Task Force has stripped off to encourage LGBT people to test for HIV.

The Task Force ā€“ which works to prevent the transmission of HIV in the country ā€“ snapped photos for a new campaign ahead of Pride Month.

Israel AIDS Task Force strips off to encourage HIV testing

The campaign features a number of volunteer models in a ā€˜Garden of Edenā€™ shoot ā€“ under the heading ā€˜itā€™s best to knowā€™.

Israel AIDS Task Force strips off to encourage HIV testing

The volunteers are pictured naked under the tree of knowledge, encouraging them to find out their status.

Prevention and advocacy coordinator Adir Yanko said: ā€œThe pride month is a great opportunity for us to spread our message ā€“ a simple test and safe sex can save lives. At the same time we must fight discrimination against HIV positive peopleā€.

An Israeli football team recently received an official warning ā€“ after it used a flag for a corner.

Israel AIDS Task Force strips off to encourage HIV testing

Jerusalem football team Hapoel Katamon caused controversy when they replaced the traditional corner flags with rainbow ones during an official match.

Shlomi Barzel, head of the public relations department of the Israeli football Association, issued a notice to all league teams warning them that using outside flags of any type is strictly forbidden, such as the rainbow flag.

(Photo credit: Eli Bohbot, Ido Tadmor, Amira Buzaglo, Tal Kalai)